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Environmental Science Program

Golden View students with vegetables and sign Farm Sweet Farm


Learning through hands-on, minds-on, real-world experiences. Our vision is to develop young adults who are well-educated, environmentally conscious, and responsible leaders.



Golden View student with principal

Golden View Elementary School's environmental science program launched in fall 2018. All students, in Early Kindergarten through fifth grade, experience a rigorous academic program, with environmental science integrated throughout the school day. Our professional staff, under the direction of Principal Lori Florgan, provide students with a safe, nurturing learning environment, which includes a beautiful 2.5-acre farm, animals, and vegetable and fruit gardens.

Teachers and students on the farm

Here are some of the unique lessons and programs in store for your your children at Golden View!

Caring For Living Things: Farm animals help children understand life cycles, reciprocity between animals and humans, and importance of making responsible choices
Recycle, Reuse, And Repurpose: Composting, recycling, and repurposing are key to going green
Farm To Table: through a garden in which children plant, tend, harvest, and cook nutritious food
Integration of California’s Environmental Principles and Concepts throughout subject areas.
After-school Activities: Nature Club, Chess Club, Cooking Club, Environmental Science Showcases
Gardening with Life’s Toolbox, and Art Explorers
Music: 4th & 5th Grade
Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) instruction
1:1 Devices for all grade levels (Chromebooks)
Write From the Beginning and Beyond Writing programs